Country Costa Rica
Region of origin
Tres Ríos
Location (lat/lon)
9°54’58.51″N / 83°59’22.44″W
Altitude range
from 1,300 to — m above sea level
Average annual rainfall
2,250 mm per year and m2
Harvest Period
normally from November through March
Average annual production
Taste characteristics Aguas Claras has a sound, nicely balanced flavor with an intense aroma.
Visual characteristics Strictly hard, closed bean cut
Coffee type Arabica, washed, machine-dried
Special varieties or types Caturra, Catuai
Screen size 70% over screen 17


Just east of San José, the Tres Ríos region is nestled upon the magnificent slopes of the mighty Irazu Volcano. At the beginning of the 20th century, Tres Ríos was so remote that many people shied away from the area. Electricity was non-existent and trains only passed through once a week to bring provisions to the workers.

Located at 4,000 feet above sea level, Aguas Claras’ extremely fertile soil has been enhanced by the great Irazu eruption of 1963. Facing south, the farms have perfect exposure to the sun. With rainfall beginning in May, the coffee trees begin blossoming with elegant white flowers that exude an enchanting fragrance. November marks the advent of the dry summer and harvest season.

In the 21st century urban development has sadly become a threat to the rural area of Tres Ríos. Even though this region’s coffee is considered to be of extremely high quality, Tres Ríos produces less and less each year due to modern evolution.

Aguas Claras RMR is renowned for its refined acidity and balanced cup.